Phase 2 (Ongoing)

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Development (6-12 months)

User Research and Validation

  • Conduct focus groups, surveys, and interviews with potential users and stakeholders

  • Gather insights and validate assumptions about user needs, pain points, and desired features

  • Iterate and refine the product concept based on feedback

Technical Architecture and Design

  • Define the core features and functionalities of the MVP

  • Evaluate and select the most suitable blockchain platform(s) and supporting technologies

  • Design the system architecture, including smart contracts, dApps, and integration with other technologies (AI, IoT, etc.)

Development and Testing

  • Implement smart contracts and dApps for the MVP

  • Integrate eco-friendly incentive mechanisms and tokenized rewards

  • Conduct rigorous testing, including security audits and user acceptance testing

  • Iterate and refine the product based on feedback

Data Management Strategy

  • Develop a robust data management strategy, considering issues like data privacy, transparency, and traceability

  • Implement appropriate data governance frameworks and policies

Last updated